Facing Homelessness Part 2


Facing Homelessness

Raul will turn 12 this summer.

He began coming to Vogel at age eight for our school age camps.

At the time, Raul was living with his mother and siblings in an emergency shelter. As an angry boy, he often threw major tantrums.

At Vogel, his camp counselors worked with him to control and overcome his anger.

Read Raul’s Story

Last week we shared Jenny’s Story, in which an inquisitive four year old learned she was resilient and strong.

During the next few weeks, we will share with you four stories of homeless children and families. As you meet Jenny, Raul, Amy, and Maria, you will come face-to-face with homelessness and the impact your gifts to Vogel make.


Read Story 1 of 4 – Jenny’s Story
