Join the Vogel Be Kind Challenge: Spread Kindness and Support a Great Cause

Ever feel like the world’s a bit too much? With all the chaos and negativity, it’s easy to get drained. That’s why Vogel’s launched the Vogel Be Kind Challenge this summer, part of our spring campaign to sprinkle kindness everywhere and uplift our community. Curious about how you can get involved? Read on!

What’s the Vogel Be Kind Challenge All About?

The Vogel Be Kind Challenge is all about reminding us how powerful small acts of kindness can be. You don’t need to perform grand gestures to make a difference—sometimes, the little things matter most. Whether it’s helping someone struggling with a grocery cart, offering a comforting word to a stressed parent, or simply smiling at a stranger, kindness is contagious.

Why Kindness Matters

We live in a time where negativity seems to dominate the news and social media. This constant exposure can wear down even the most positive people. By encouraging acts of kindness, we can counteract this negativity, lift spirits, and create a more compassionate community. Kindness doesn’t just benefit the receiver; it also brings joy and fulfillment to the giver.

How You Can Participate

  1. Start Small: Think of small, everyday actions that can make someone’s day. Help someone with their groceries, offer a seat to an elderly person, or pay a compliment.
  2. Get Creative: Organize a local clean-up, bake cookies for your neighbors, or write positive notes for strangers.
  3. Share Your Acts: Post your acts of kindness on social media with the hashtag #VogelBeKindChallenge. Inspire others to join in!
  4. Support Vogel: While spreading kindness, consider donating to Vogel. Your generosity helps us continue our mission of supporting families in need.

The Impact of Your Kindness

When you participate in the Vogel Be Kind Challenge, you’re not just helping individuals; you’re contributing to a ripple effect of positivity. Each small act of kindness can inspire others to do the same, creating a more supportive and loving community. Plus, by sharing your experiences, you help spread the word about Vogel and our cause.

Vogel: Who We Are

Vogel is dedicated to helping children and families overcome the challenges of homelessness. Our programs provide educational, developmental, and therapeutic support to children while offering parents the resources they need to create stable, nurturing environments. By participating in the Vogel Be Kind Challenge, you’re directly supporting these initiatives and helping families thrive.


Participate in the Be Kind Challenge Your Way!

We understand that not everyone uses Facebook, but we still want you to be part of the Be Kind Challenge! Here are some ways you can join in:

  • 🌟 Donate on Our Website: Visit to make a donation and support our mission.
  • 📸 Share on Any Platform: Post your acts of kindness on any social media platform using our hashtags: #VogelBeKindChallenge #BeKindChallenge #BeKind #Vogel. Let’s flood every corner of the internet with positivity!
  • 💌 Submit Your Acts of Kindness: If you prefer, you can submit your acts of kindness directly to us, and we’ll share them on your behalf. Email your stories and photos to

Our goal is to celebrate and showcase kindness everywhere. Join us in spreading good vibes and making a difference!


What kind of acts of kindness can I do?
Anything that brings a smile to someone’s face! Hold the door open, write a thank-you note, or volunteer your time.

How do I share my acts of kindness?
Post on social media with the hashtag #VogelBeKindChallenge. You can also share directly on our Facebook page.

Can children participate?
Absolutely! Kindness has no age limit. Encourage your kids to think of ways they can be kind to their friends, teachers, and community.

How does this challenge help Vogel?
By spreading kindness, you’re also spreading awareness. Donations raised through the challenge support our programs for children and families facing homelessness.

Get Started Today!

Ready to make a difference? Join us in the Vogel Be Kind Challenge and help create a wave of positivity. Visit our Facebook page for more information and start sharing your acts of kindness today. Together, we can make the world a little brighter, one kind act at a time.