We Appreciate Our August Volunteers!


Volunteers are a crucial part of Vogel’s efforts to help children recover from the traumatic effects of homelessness. We love our volunteers and value their commitment to our mission! If you would like to become a Vogel volunteer, please contact Brian Millage, Volunteer Coordinator, at 214-468-8686 or [email protected] to get started.

Please see below for a list of our August 2016 volunteers.



Cristo Rey
Houlihan Lokey

Tradition Energy

UTSW Pediatrics

YMSL Dalrich

ZeroRisk HR


Tracey Ball Sydney & Lexi Lewis Gabriel Sheffield
Jo Bryan Christi Meril Shea Sanchez
Ashley & Rosa Bull Clark McCarty Reece Rabin
Joette Chiffriller Marty Mintz Tre’Via Turner
Elizabeth & Evan Daane Aiden Nielsen Katie Terry
Natalie & Caden Dickson Brennan Nielsen Suzanne Titelbaum
Claudia Dixon Grace Oldham Sharon Thompson
Jaxon Fearing Mandy Olsen Tre’Via Turner
Leslye Geller Rob Olson Katie Terry
Kris Gillet George Paniagua Suzanne Tietelbaum
Franda Hayes Sara Parker Laura Weinbrom
Kristy Jalbert Sondra & Jamie Perkins Miatta Wilson
Melinda James Sue Priest Natalie Wolfe
Melissa Krenek Diana Rodriguez Wobbie Worku
CIndee Kueny Jenni Samuel
