Spread Seeds of Happiness:

Nine of our families were able to move from shelters to permanent housing—giving a whole new meaning to the term “safe at home.” Yet a house is not a home without basic items, such as furniture. Because of COVID-19, many of the organizations we work with to furnish our families’ homes were closed. We sent out a call to our community for help. And we were overwhelmed by your response to their needs. You donated furniture and home goods, space to store the items, and help delivering them to their final destinations. Your contributions helped turn affordable housing into homes for our families.
Will you be our sunshine and donate today?
While Vogel has navigated these last months of hardship, our families and staff have stood strong and tall, finding the sunlight amid the darkness. Your generosity has fueled us along the way. Each gift has shone with the brightness of a sunflower’s petals. Your contributions have served as a reminder that no journey is too long or too dark—if, like the sunflower, we continue to seek the sun’s light and warmth. We cannot do it without your continued support.