Rise, Shine, and Hold Your Head High

We’ve worked hard to move approximately 50% of our families into stable housing and employment. These families are the most vulnerable to the pandemic’s effects, and we committed that not one family would slide back into homelessness. To support them, we delivered food and supplies to their doorsteps. We provided vital childcare for working parents. Our team assisted parents seeking jobs. Our social workers switched to virtual case management sessions. And we continued providing therapy for children and adults. Our Emergency Fund allowed us to give our families help with rent, utilities, and other immediate needs. To date, we have kept our commitment to all of these families. And over the summer, we even celebrated two moms who earned their bachelor’s degrees—a key achievement toward breaking the cycle of poverty.

While Vogel has navigated these last months of hardship, our families and staff have stood strong and tall, finding the sunlight amid the darkness. Your generosity has fueled us along the way. Each gift has shone with the brightness of a sunflower’s petals. Your contributions have served as a reminder that no journey is too long or too dark—if, like the sunflower, we continue to seek the sun’s light and warmth.
Will you be our sunshine and support Vogel by making a gift to our Rewiring Brains, Repairing Hearts, and Restoring Families campaign?