Credit Union of Texas recently held a company-wide donation drive and supplied the children of Vogel with hundreds of “Bye-Bye Bags.” Whenever possible, Vogel gives Bye-Bye Bags to our children when they leave for the evening, so they can have a snack on the commute back to their shelter or transitional housing apartment. The bags contain items such as Goldfish crackers, cheese crackers, Vienna sausages, tuna salad, fruit cups and applesauce. Bye-Bye Bags provide a huge benefit for our families, and we can’t thank Credit Union of Texas enough for their incredible support.
Please let us know if your company is interested in holding a Bye-Bye Bag donation drive for our children. Bye-Bye Bags can be put together in simple brown lunch bags, and Vogel will supply a list of approved food items. Contact Greg Brinkley at [email protected] to learn more.
All children love snacks, and for the children of Vogel, these bags are not only a treat but also a valued part of their daily nutrition. Thanks again to Credit Union of Texas, and thank you to the many other companies and groups that have provided Bye-Bye Bags for our children.