Little Jacob’s first home was one such place. Jacob’s parents met on the street. Both were addicted to drugs to cope with their own deeply rooted traumas. When the couple learned they were having a child, they stopped using drugs and vowed to give their baby a better life.
Although Jacob was just a newborn when his family lived in the tent village, it impacted his emotional growth, even after his family moved into a shelter.
Jacob would wake up screaming during nap-time at Vogel Alcove. This could be due to subconscious memories of his unstable start in life.
The staff at Vogel Alcove worked on Jacob’s emotional and intellectual growth, and he now sleeps soundly. Over time, Jacob has blossomed and “moved up” to a toddler class.
It’s helped his parents move from crisis toward stability: Jacob’s mom has a new job and the family lives in an apartment. The family can stay with Vogel Alcove until Jacob turns five and enters kindergarten.
Since 1987, Vogel Alcove has provided care for children like Jacob and guidance for their families.