Vogel Classroom Spotlight: Room 220


You can tell that the toddlers from Room 220 are coming because they are always singing as they walk through the halls of Vogel. Teachers Julie Kim and Margaret Oden say that this lively group loves to do dramatic play, paint and get messy with sand and water at the sensory table.

When they’re not singing or playing, the children in Room 220 might be engaged in another favorite pastime—eating! They love pasta, yogurt and fruit (especially oranges). Once they’re fueled up with health foods, the children enjoy strolling over to nearby Dallas Heritage Village to see the animals there. The donkeys make them laugh with their silly faces and loud brays.

While they are known for being creative and enthusiastic, the most notable characteristic of our Room 220 toddlers is their loving nature. They reach out to hug visitors and old friends alike, and if they learn your name, they greet you anytime they see you. With the guidance and nurturing of Ms. Kim and Ms. Oden, these children are developing social/emotional skills that will help them to recover from the trauma of homelessness and will benefit them throughout their lives.
